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This is a sneak preview of Angela and Mike's Spring Wedding with many more photographs to follow as I have just started editing the images. The photo collage above is their spectacular wedding cake along with them taking their first dance at the Celebrity Ballroom at the Radisson in Merrillville, Indiana.
We started the day at Angela's parents house in Hebron, Indiana where I got some quick portraits of the bride and her bridesmaids just before we were off to leave for the church.

The house in Hebron was just a few minutes from St. Elizabeth Ann Seton church and had a terrific four seasons room that let in a lot of natural light for this photo of the the beautiful bride.

This room also doubled as the hair and makeup center. Big enough for a couple of hair stylist, some bridesmaids, orange juice (wink -wink), a photographer with two big cameras and apparently from all the shrieking, a spider as well!!

Angela's mom was a great hostess to me and all the girls. She was always running to take care of things, but I finally got a quick shot of her with her daughter...

Literally minutes before heading to the ceremony, I gathered the girls underneath the weeping willow tree in their Hebron backyard. Watch out for those branches!!

Soon after the above photo, I arrived at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Valparaiso, Indiana and captured the groomsmen and the groom in this walking shot along the cornfields behind the church.

Wedding are always a race against the clock, so we managed to sneak in a few formal shots of the guys inside the church, including this one of the groom...

Pastor Mike at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton was terrific and allowed me very free reign on where I could photograph the wedding from. In this photo, the bride is beaming as she walks down the aisle arm in arm with her father. Look at the detail in that dress!!

After formal shots along the lakefront in Hobart, we ended the night at the Celebrity Ballroom in the Radisson Hotel in Merrillville, Indiana. Here are some shots of the bride and groom during their first dance...

Here is one of many crazy dancing shots. Here I actually got on floor of the ballroom and shot up at the partiers who more than willing to mug for the camera...

So why just a sneak preview? Why not show the whole wedding now? For professional wedding photographs I shoot in a different kind of format that yields high quality images. Although it is digital, I have to "develop" every image in the digital darkroom for maximum detail and sharpness. Right now all the images are digital negatives awaiting development. However, I work pretty quickly so in 10 days or so all of Angela's and Mikes wedding photos will be in a gallery online for all to view.
I urge you to "like" SBV Photography on Facebook and to sign up for the RSS fee right here for updates. In the meantime, let's take another look at that spectacular wedding cake...