Region Weddings

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Wedding At Wicker Park Social Center

I have always found June a great month to get married as you have the entire summer to celebrate. It’s also perfect for a lakeside ceremony, and Angela and Erik must have felt the same way.

Our day began with bridal prep at the bride’s parent’s home before moving to the Wicker Park Social Center, where the bride got dressed and had a reveal with her bridesmaids.

Bride and Groom Prep - Gallery (click images to enlarge/advance):

It was essential to Angela that the train of her dress be shown in all of its glory, so we made sure to take a series of pictures inside the ballroom at Wicker Park Social Center in Highland, Indiana. Dress by: Elegance

Portraits of the Bride - Gallery (click images to enlarge/advance):

Now, suppose you are looking at this series of images and think that the officiant looks familiar. In that case, that is Reverend Doug Kluuken, Father of the bride and longtime officiant for weddings all over the Midwest.

He always conducts wedding ceremonies with grace and humor, and his daughter’s nuptials were no different. It was an honor to be there to capture the day for all involved.

Outdoor Wedding Ceremony At Wicker Park - Gallery (click images to enlarge/advance):

Amplified Events provided the soundtrack to a fun night with heartfelt speeches from the couple’s parents, fun anecdotes from the MOH and Best Man, and one mustn’t forget their glow-in-the-dark shades to enhance the dance floor fun!

This has been a sneak peek at Angela and Erik’s summer wedding at Wicker Park Social Center. Many more images are forthcoming, so follow the social media channels below to see more from this and other weddings.

Reception - Image Gallery (click images to enlarge/advance):

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